


The main goal of a library is to offer materials and services in a variety of methods in order to:
a.) Provide local residents with chances for informal education.
b.) Increase a person's understanding in the numerous courses and fields in which they pursue formal education.
c.) Offer ways for people to get the knowledge they need.
d) Encourage groups and organizations to engage in educational, civic, and cultural activities.
e.) Offer leisure activities and promote productive use of free time.


1.1 Mission Statement: The UMCATC library's goal is to give students and researchers access to knowledge and concepts that span the entire range of religious, theological, and intellectual thought as well as the growth of societies, communities, and individuals as a way of training effective witnesses for Christ.
- The Library strives to encourage literacy, uphold intellectual freedom, and foster a lifelong passion of study.
- The Library provides access to information sources and materials outside of its own collection while maintaining a wide variety of resources for religious and theological study.

1.2 Vision Statement: Our efforts and resources will be focused on realizing our vision in the following ways as we work to accomplish our mission:
(A.) The staff at our library establishes a standard for user service among public libraries. Teamwork, cooperation, creativity, adaptability in meeting client needs, and pride in our accomplishments will be the defining characteristics of our personnel.
(B.) The establishment is a passionate in supporting theological research through library services, and its involvement will be entirely devoted to the mission, vision, and values of the library.
(C.) Our collections will be forward-thinking, diversified in scope, and in both form and content. The physical and online spaces of our library will adapt to the changing requirements of our users.


i. Reserved Materials:
The Reservation Book Shelve contains a controlled access collection of frequently requested books that have been removed from the open shelves. This contains textbooks that are well-used. The reserve also includes specialized books from the Research Library that are required reading for undergraduates and can be utilized under supervision. Academic staff are required to give copies of all assigned reading lists to the library in advance, along with the titles of any books that are specifically recommended for students' attention during class. This enables the Library to purchase any materials that are not already in possession. It is acceptable for students to suggest books for reserve. Finally, it's critical that the teaching staff regularly discuss this service with the circulation librarian.

Hours of Opening:
(i) During Session: Monday to Friday – 8.00 a.m - 10.00 p.m. Saturday – 9.00 a.m - 1.00 p.m.
(ii) During Semester Break and Long Vacation: Monday to Friday – 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Saturday – 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.

ii. Loans:
A normal loan has a 14-day term.
However, all volumes must be returned by the end of the academic year in which they were taken. Longer loan periods may be sought by teaching and research staff, as well as research students with strong justifications. If a staff member needs a loan for duration greater than the typical two weeks, they must be specific about the duration of the loan.
b. Visiting research students, fellows, and occasional students are only granted reference privileges for stays of less than one academic year; they are not provided with access to borrowing facilities.


1. All readers must fill out registration cards, which are renewed every session, before using the library. Keep in mind that your registration is only good for the current academic year; for any consecutive years, you must renew. Only the College's senior employees and students are permitted to use this arrangement.
2. Individual applications for permission must be made to the College librarian if researchers or students from other institutions wish to often use the library but are not qualified under the aforementioned criterion.
3. Readers are obliged to turn in any books or journals they are carrying for inspection at the checkpoints before leaving the library.
4. Please answer as soon as possible to any correspondence from the library and, if necessary, reply through the proper library address of the College.
5. Students may enter the library with battery-operated torches rather than candles or any other kind of open illumination during a nighttime power outage.
Other rules include:
1. Leave all bags, brief cases, laptop bags, equipment sleeves, parcels, etc at the bag check at the entrance
2. Do not shelve the books; leave the books on the table after use
3. Do not hide any book; they are made available for all
4. Library is not a place for meetings and congresses
5. Keep your mobiles switched-off or on silent mode within the library premises
6. Quietness is required; no loitering, no noise!
7. Drinks and eatables are not allowed in the main library. only drinking water is allowed inside the library
8. Handle the books with care; they are treasures
9. Do not write, underline or mark any book.
10. Short pants and other inappropriate dresses are strictly not allowed in the library.
11. Photography and recording are not allowed on Library premises without prior permission.


- Quietness is required; no loitering, no noise!
- Keep your mobiles switched-off or on silent mode within the library premises
- Short pants and other inappropriate dresses are strictly not allowed in the library.
- Leave all bags, brief cases, laptop bags, equipment sleeves, parcels, etc at the bag check at the entrance
- Do not relocate furniture, fixtures, computer hardware and other library items
- Do not change configuration of computers or any other equipment in the library
Photography and recording are not allowed on Library premises without prior permission

Reference Service

If readers have any problems using the reference collection in particular or the entire library collection in general, they can speak with the reference librarian.
Questions about references, such as where to look for a specific fact or source, are always welcome.
If readers need any materials that aren't already in the library, they should get in touch with the reference librarian.
Requests for books or other items that are not currently in the library should be made in person, in writing, and using the forms accessible at the control desk so that the librarian can provide any necessary reason.
The Library could assist a researcher to:
a. locate the document in Nigeria and have the person in question borrow it;
b. obtain a copy of the original; or
c. ask a library abroad for a photostat or digital copy.


The UMCATC Library welcomes and promotes donations of money, inheritances, endowments, and gifts of library materials or supplies from individual persons, Christian associations, nonprofit organizations, and corporations that are set to enhance theological education.


The College Management manages gifts of money, securities, and gifts that support the mission of the UMCATC Library through the College Chief Librarian, who will negotiate terms of acceptance that are in line with library policies, the donor's intentions, and applicable legislation. Major gifts, especially those intended for a renovation, expansion, or other significant project, are always welcome at the library. The Library will accept monetary gifts for the purchase of books in a loved one's honor or remembrance. The Materials Selection Policy will be followed by library personnel when choosing which materials to buy. Donors are welcome to suggest subject areas for the Library to use their donation, albeit the Library cannot guarantee the purchase of any particular items.


A. The following broad criteria were taken into consideration when choosing materials for the collection:
1. Current events, general interest, or the collection's value.
2. The author or producer's credentials.
3. The subject and style should be appropriate for the target audience.
4. Format quality.
5. Requests/suggestions from the College's various departments.
6. Price.
7. The item received attention from critics and the mainstream media.
8. The quality of the Professional Journals, local, national and international
9. The technical caliber of digital and online resources, including their user interface, their usability for numerous users simultaneously, the technical support offered by the vendor, and their compatibility with library infrastructure.
B. The following items are only a few of the ones that won't be purchased for the collection:
1. Contents that lack reliable and unbiased information and are only promoted through infomercials or personal websites.
2. Self-published works, unless reputable publications have reviewed them.


A. The majority of the materials are chosen from established review sources in accordance with standards that have been approved by the profession, such as but not limited to:
1. Professional periodicals like Library Journal and Booklist.
3. Promotional materials and catalogs from publishers.
4. Read the reviews sections of national and regional newspapers as well as other reliable publications and broadcast media.
5. Lists of best-sellers from regional and national media.


A. Withdrawal of Materials
1. The collection is continually reviewed to ensure that it contains relevant, important, and helpful information for library customers.
For one or more of the following reasons, materials may be removed from the collection when:
a. a topic is out-of-date, incorrect, or otherwise no longer relevant.
b. there is lack of demand for the substance; insufficient usage
c. there are space restrictions
d. there is Physical Impairment
2. If necessary, materials that were withdrawn were replaced.
3. Withdrawn materials may be sold in the College bookstore, given to other libraries at UMCA Bible Colleges, or otherwise disposed at the Library's discretion.